Salem Radiologists at Salem Regional Medical Center

Caring Service - Quality Diagnosis - Latest Technology

3T MRI Spine (Back Examination)

Call Us with Questions:  330-337-6140
Click to Read More:  3T MRI Spine Brochure  3T MRI Slide Presentation (4MB)
Click for Additional 3T MRI Information: General  Breast  Shoulder/Knees/Joints  Brain  Body/Liver/Prostate   
 3T MRI - Spine
3-Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging (3T MRI) is the newest and most advanced imaging technology available. Because 3T MRI is twice as strong as older MRIs, it provides twice the speed/twice the detail which produces stunning image quality allowing for more accurate diagnoses of medical conditions at their earliest and potentially curable stages.
Salem Regional Medical Center is proud to have the only 3T MRI between Cleveland and Pittsburgh. The 3T Open MRI has a large 86-inch circumference and is able to accommodate claustrophobic patients and patients up to 550 pounds.
Click HERE to read more about 3T Open MRI. 


3T Whole-Body Spinal Imaging:

3T MRI provides complete spine imaging with twice the speed and twice detail of older area scanners. Special tech-niques allow for advanced imaging of the spinal cord, nerves, and vertebral bodies including patients with prior surgery, scar tissue, and metallic implants.

Useful for back pain, prior surgery (including metallic im-plants), multiple sclerosis, and cancer work-up.

 3T MRI - Knee Metal Joint


3T Metallic Implant Imaging:

3T MRI with advanced metallic imaging can reduce the older MRI metallic artifact and allow detailed imaging of metallic spine and joint hardware never before possible.

Useful for post-surgical symptoms in patient with metallic implants.