Salem Radiologists at Salem Regional Medical Center

Caring Service - Quality Diagnosis - Latest Technology

3T MRI Brain (Neurologic Examination)

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Click to Read More:  3T MRI Brain Brochure  3T MRI Slide Presentation (4MB)
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3T Brain Comparison
3-Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging (3T MRI) is the newest and most advanced imaging technology available. Because 3T MRI is twice as strong as older MRIs, it provides twice the speed/twice the detail which produces stunning image quality allowing for more accurate diagnoses of medical conditions at their earliest and potentially curable stages.
Salem Regional Medical Center is proud to have the only 3T MRI between Cleveland and Pittsburgh. The 3T Open MRI has a large 86-inch circumference and is able to accommodate claustrophobic patients and patients up to 550 pounds.
Click HERE to read more about 3T Open MRI. 


 Neuro Perfusion

3T Early Stroke Imaging:

3T MRI Diffusion-Weighted imaging is sensitive in identifying a stroke within a few minutes of onset.

3T MRI Neuro Perfusion adds prognostic information by identifying additional brain tissue at risk for infarction using contrast flow.

Useful for acute stroke, TIA, and chronic cerebrovascular disease.

 Arterial Spin Labeling

3T Brain Perfusion without contrast:

3T MRI Arterial Spin Labeling shows brain perfusion by magneti-cally labelling blood and watching it flow through the brain tissue. No gadolinium contrast is required.

Useful for carotid stenosis, acute stroke, TIA, chronic cerebrovas-cular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, frontotemporal dementia and evaluation of brain tumors.

 CSF Flow

3T Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Flow:

3T MRI CSF Flow shows the speed and direction of CSF flow through the brain. No gadolinium contrast is required.
Useful for diagnosis of Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH-dementia, gate disturbance, and urinary Incontinence), Chiari I, unexplained headaches, tinnitus, dementia, urinary incontinence, balance issues, and cognitive deficits.

3T Blood Vessel Flow without contrast:

3T MR Angiography without contrast is extremely sensitive to blood flow providing stunning 3D images of brain blood flow.

Useful for acute stroke, TIA, and chronic cerebrovascular disease in patients with renal failure (GFR<30). May be used with any patients as an alternative to gadolinium contrast.